Tuesday 4 July 2017

Copywriting/Ebook/Blogging Sample

Golden Streams of Traffic Program

DAY 1 (Customer Avatar) - Foundational

Welcome to the first day of creating massive traffic for your website.
I hope you are just as excited to beginning this journey, as I am for you, because having unlimited traffic that converts is the most important part of your business. You could have the best products, the best funnels, the best copy, but your bank account is going to have a BIG ZERO, unless you have a lot of targeted traffic. 

On the other hand you could have the crappiest products, the worst funnel and the most ridiculous copy, but if you have targeted traffic whose problem you can solve... you will make money!
However, if you have targeted traffic with the right marketing strategy you could scale your profits many times over. That is exactly what I am going to teach you over the next 7 days.
For the first couple of days we are going to do a lot of awesome strategy work. It is important to have a strong foundation for your traffic generation plan.
This will allow you to create massive leverage with the traffic you eventually generate.
The first thing we must do is understand the customer. And the best way of doing this is by creating something called a "Customer Avatar".
Why Create the Ideal Customer Avatar?
Why is important that you have a customer avatar?
In my many years in consultation, I have learnt that the easiest person to sell you anything is your best friend. They know you inside out, they know your weaknesses, your insecurities, your dreams and aspirations, in short, and they simply get you. 

You would communicate things to each other, the average person may not even understand.

Now just imagine if you had that sort of power over the thousands of people who visited your website...
·         You spoke to them in their language, using words that resonated with them, in a tone that was familiar to them
·         You understood their dreams, aspirations, insecurities and situations
·         You knew exactly what would stir their emotions, positively or negatively

If you understood your audience in this way your traffic would convert like crazy!
All of this could be done if you create a profile of your perfect or ideal customer avatar, with the person's name, age, place of residence, occupation, dreams, aspirations, favorite sports, movies, music and all the possible information you could find out about them.
And then you would write your entire content (emails, articles, blog posts, products) to THIS PERSON!
Now a common criticism to this that I have noticed is: "Shouldn't your content be for everyone?"
NO! That couldn't be further from the truth!
One of the most important lessons of marketing is that, to be profitable you must have a target audience and sell ONLY to them.
Your content should be written only to the person who is most likely to buy from you. If you are selling golf products to retired men, you shouldn't also be writing content keeping in mind a 26 year-old sales rep.
You would make more sales talking the language of a person who grew up in the 70s, talking about things that interest them! What are their favorite TV shows, movies (preferably the original Stars Wars movies!), who are the famous people that they grew up watching (Jack Nicholson, John Lennon, Harrison Ford) , what do they do in their free time. 

Talk To Your Customer About What Appeals to Them

Okay now let's get started with our avatar!
Firstly I want you to open up an excel sheet and name the file Master Content Plan... done?
1.    Now this document is going to have multiple tabs over the duration of the next couple of days, but today I want you to rename the first tab: "Customer Avatar", where it says "Sheet 1".
1.    Next I want you to highlight the first row from A1 to B1 and under the home menu, click "merge and center" and then "Wrap Text"
2.    Name this row Customer Avatar
3.    Next stretch the width of the A column to at least 25 and the B column to at least 55
1.    Now start filling the A column with as many categories that you think of about your ideal customer. Things like Name, picture (this could be any random photo you find online that fits your ideal customer), age, gender, marital status, education, decision-making skills, occupation, annual income, siblings, city, living condition, ambitions, fears, personality traits, strengths, weaknesses
2.    If you don't have this information, go to some forums related to your niche and try to gather these details. Look at the most active members, go to their profiles and try to gather this info.

It may take you some time creating this, but don’t worry, it’s all going to be worth it!
If you're done, then congratulations! You have completed the first step of your marketing strategy. All the content you will create will be targeted to this person.
Today's activity was relatively short since its the first day, however, tomorrow's modules will help you better come with multiple traffic building strategies which if implemented in your business could create some serious income.
Tomorrow we will get into some of the more sexy traffic creation stuff.
So stay tuned!
ACTION PLAN for today
Complete the steps above and you should be fine for today!
Tomorrow we go to the next stage!

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Copywriting/Blogging/eBooks Sample Work

Are you interested in knowing how to make content that attracts up to hundreds of thousands of viewers? A couple of years ago I was ...